Alexander se narodil 13. května 1986 v běloruském Minsku. Společně se svojí rodinou odcestoval do Norska v době, kdy mu byly čtyři roky. Jeho matka hraje na klavír a otec na housle, díky jejich vlivu se naučil perfektně ovládat oba nástroje....

Píseň: 5000 letters

Alexander Rybak
No Boundaries
5000 letters I keep in my bedroom,
5000 people who open their hearts
Once they were strangers, today we are family,
mountains won't keep us apart.

There is a girl who has drawn me a sunrise,
that's how she wants every morning to be.
And boy lost his tooth and he wants me to have these
how did this happen to me?

I want to know all their faces,
and I want to be there when they need a friend
5000 letters they wrote me,
and some day I'll read them again.

5000 stories i keep in my bedroom,
5000 secrets i keep in my mind
I have been given a piece of their lifetime,
friendship is easy to find.

I want to know all their faces,
and I want to be there when they need a friend
5000 letters they wrote me,
and some day I'll read them again.

I want to know all their faces,
and I want to be there when they need a friend
5000 letters they wrote me,
and some day I'll read them again.