Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, uměleckým jménem George Michael, byl britský zpěvák, skladatel a producent s kyperskými kořeny. V letech 1981 až 1986 působil společně s Andrewem Ridgeleym v popové skupině Wham!, později se proslavil coby sólový...

Píseň: A Last Request I Want Your Sex

George Michael
Ladies And Gentlemen CD2 - For The Feet
It's late
Time for bed
So I sit, and wait
For that gin and tonic
To go to your head

I know
It's a devious plan
But it's the only way that I know
To get those big bad car keys
Out of your hand

You know
That I remain a gentle man
But even so
There's only so much
A gentleman can stand
Sleep with me
Oh sleep with me tonight

My cards are on your table
My dreams are in your bed
If I was able
I'd be there instead
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