Americká zpěvačka pocházející z Hollywoodu (nar. 1958). V letech 1978 - 1985 členka dívčí skupiny Go-Go´s.Od počátku sólové kariéry spolupracovala s bývalou spoluhráčkou Charlotte Caffey. Její pozdější úspěchy byly do značné míry ovlivněny...

Píseň: A Prayer For Everyone

Belinda Carlisle
...A Place On Earth - The Greatest Hits
Every child deserves love \n
A safe place to run and play \n
Every man deserves a chance \n
To bring home a decent pay \n
Every race is equal
Beloved in God's eyes
When I see discrimination my soul cries 

Say a prayer for the lonely
A prayer for the confused
Say a prayer if you'd only
For the secretly abused
Say a prayer for the newborn
With all the battles to be won
Say a prayer for the tired and worn
Say a prayer for everyone

Walk a mile with a stranger
Put yourself in his shoes
Lend a hand to an old one
Good will come to you
In our heads were happy
We go our merry way
In our hearts were all afraid of our dying day

Every child deserves love
A safe place to run and play
Every woman deserves a chance
To bring home a decent pay