Irský rockový a bluesový kytarista a zpěvák, původem z Belfastu (nar. 1952). Počátkem 70. let působí ve sk. Skid Row (2 alba pro CBS). Poté zakládá vlastní Gary Moore Band a vzniká album Grinding Stone (1973). Následně je členem sk. Colosseum II...

Píseň: Afraid Of Tomorrow

Gary Moore
Dark Days In Paradise
All of our destinies
written within us.
No more of falling for
the world's biggest lie.
Are you so jealous of the wind and her freedom?
Nothing can stop you now.
Live in your dreams.

Are we afraid of tomorrow?
Are we afraid of tomorrow?

Crossing the wilderness,
finding the treasure.
Buried within yourself
all you desire.
Soul of the world can see
all you are feeling.
Heeding the wise man's words,
all things are one.

Are we afraid of tomorrow?
Are we afraid of tomorrow?

Mmah, ah.

All of our destinies
written within us.
No more of falling for
the world's biggest lie.
Are you still jealous of the wind and her freedom?
Nothing can stop you now,
so live in your dreams.

Are we afraid of tomorrow?
Are we afraid of tomorrow?

Afraid of tomorrow.
Afraid of tomorrow.

Oh, afraid.
Oh, oh afraid.
Oh, afraid.