Amanda Seyfried se narodila 3. prosince 1985 v Pensylvánii. Od svých jedenácti let dělala modelku. V roce 2002-2003 se objevila v seriálu All my children, kde hrála postavu Joni Stafford. V roce 2004 přerušila studia na univerzitě, aby mohla...

Píseň: Amanda´s Love Song

Amanda Seyfried
Post The Love - organisation Channing Tatum
Please won't you stay
Be buried away
Slightest symphony
All birds still sing
Decompose their sins
And sleep throughout the day

The morning light
Is shining away
And the fire heals the pain
I sat in quiet
A burning desire
In a world too young to see

Children will play
Each dying day
We'll still be running away
We'll still be running away
We'll still be running away
Profilový obrázek - Post The Love - organisation Channing Tatum
Post The Love - organisation Channing Tatum (2010)

1. Amanda´s Love Song