Tom Petty

zpěvák, skladatel, hudebník, kytarista

Hodnocení na 61%
20. října 1950
1. října 2017, důvod: zástava srdce
Výrazný rockový písničkář 80. let (zpěvák, kytarista a skladatel), původem z Floridy (nar. 1953). Muzikantské vlivy: Byrds, Beatles, R.E.M., jižanský rock. Na konci 60. let působil ve skupinách Sundowners a Epics. První nahrávky vznikají v r....

Píseň: Asshole

Tom Petty
Songs and music from "She is one"
Your brains went black
When she took back her love
And put it out into the sun.

The birds did fly
When the heavens all went dry
And the cigarettes were smoking by themselves.

She'll do anything
She'll do anything.
She'll do anything to make you feel like an asshole.

Call her name,
She looks the same as you,
With question marks stretched across her skin.

She dangles carrots
And makes you feel embarrassed
To be the fool you know you are.

She'll do anything
She'll do anything.
She'll do anything to make you feel like an asshole.