Valerie June Carter se narodila jako druhá ze tří sester 23.června 1929 v Maces Springs ve Virginii Maybelle a Ezrovi "Eckovi" Carterovým. Mybelle zpívala a hrála ve slavné country skupině The Cater Family (Maybelle, její švagrová Sara a její...

Píseň: Baby, It's Cold Out There

June Carter Cash
Keep on the Sunny Side: June Carter Cash - Her Life in Music
I got to get home, fellows. I can't stay here all night. 

It's kind of cold out there, June. 

Yep, it sure is. 

I ain't a fixing to stay 
But baby, it's cold outside 
I got to get away 
But baby, it's cold outside 

This evening has been 
Been hoping that you'd fall in 
So very nice 
I'll hold your hands there just like feet 

Mommy will start to worry 
Beautiful what's your hurry 
Pappy'll get the shotgun down 
If he does, we'll have to leave town 

Really I'd better scurry 
Have a drink what's your hurry 
Maybe just a half a jug more 
Put some Eddie Arnold records on while I pour 

The neighbors might think 
But baby, it's bad out there 
Say, what's in this here drink 
That ain't sarsaparilla there 

I wish I knew how 
Your eyeballs are popping right now 
To break the spell 
I'll take your hair, your hat looks swell 

I ought to say no, no, no, sir 
Mind if we move in closer 
At least I'm putting up a good fight 
Boy, this black eye sure is a sight 

I really can't stay 
Oh, baby, it'll hold out there 
Aww, but it's cold outside 

Aw, pick it warm, Jethro 

I simply must go 
But baby, it's cold outside 
The answer is no 
But baby, it's cold outside 

The weatherman said 
How lucky that you fell in 
It would be fair 
That ain't snow chips falling out there 

Sister will be suspicious 
Gosh, your lips looks like pedals 


Yeah, bicycle pedals. 

My brother will be waiting at the door 
Hope he won't be too sore 
Aunt Sara's mind is suspicious 
Gosh, your lips are delicious 
Give me the key to that door 
Never such a terrible blizzard before 

I got to get home 
But baby, you'd freeze out there 
Say lend me a coat 
It's up to your knees out there 

You boys have been grand 
We'd just like to hold your hand 
But don't you see 
How can you do this thing to me 

There's bound to be talk tomorrow 
Think of my lifelong sorrow 
At least there will be plenty implied 
If you caught pneumonia and died