KDO JSEM Cesta k cíli nebývá tak přímočará, jak si mnozí z nás představují. Každá taková pouť obnáší nejrůznější odbočky, zastávky a slepé uličky. Nejsem výjimkou a na své cestě procházím úseky rovnými, ale i těmi spletitými, o nichž nemají...

Píseň: Be Strong

Petr Ševčík
Goings - on in my ideas show 
I´m not a prisoner 
I´m a bird which flies high
born to be wild
made of flesh and bone

freedom´s love and stability, yeah
welcome to my life
You know what I mean
what I feel, when I can breathe 
say, it´s not a crime

I sing da-dap-ta-da-ta-ta, da-dap-ta-da-ta-ta
cuz´ you should add a bit - bit - bit of mettle
and win a big - big - biggest battle
Have you tried it one time, two times, three times, everytime ?
All you want is joy, not - not a traitor

Get - get rid of the devil ! 
Perhaps, you´ll get - get into heaven !
Only one time, two times, three times, everytime 
Okay, promise me, that you will be strong !

fears will be paralyzed
in a wonderful - wonderful - wonderful day
the soul inside you glides
if you´re skinny or a chubby teddy
that´s all right 
yet you make me light-headed 
sight of the beautiful, beauty - beauty, beautiful girl
fame never can compete

I sing da-dap-ta-da-ta-ta, da-dap-ta-da-ta-ta
cuz´ you should add a bit - bit - bit of mettle
and win a big - big - biggest battle
Have you tried it one time, two times, three times, everytime ? 
All you want is joy, not - not a traitor

Get - get rid of the devil ! 
Perhaps, you´ll get - get into heaven !
only one time, two times, three times, everytime 
Okay, promise me, that you will be strong !
Be strong, oh,oh,oh, (let´s go) 
Take every moment for yourself, oh 

I lost my mind like a maniac
now I am once and for all full of desire, yeah 
if you wanna change, you will be by my side !
Don´t be afraid ! 
Be inspired ! 

timing´s everything 
what can you do ?
but you can´t have a cake and eat it 
Don´t be black and white ! 
Dear me! Smile at each other 
Try it !  You´re not defeated !

a bit - bit - bit of mettle
a big - big - big - biggest battle
one time, two times, three times, all the time 

a bit - bit - bit of mettle  
and win a big - big - biggest battle 
Have you tried it one time, two times, three times, everytime ? 
All you want is joy, not - not a traitor

Get - get rid of the devil !
Perhaps, you´ll get - get into heaven !
only one time, two times, three times, everytime ! 
Okay, promise me, that you will be strong, be strong, be strong, be strong, be strong ! 

and if you try to hold back, you´ll be tied up! 
That´s  wrong! Be strong ! That´s all, hold on, yeah ! 

Get - get rid of the devil ! 
Perhaps, you'll get - get into heaven
only one time, two times, three times, everytime!
Okay, promise me, that you will be strong !