Imogen Jennifer Jane Heap je na Grammy nominovaná Angličanka. S muzikou začala už v útlém dětství. Nejdřív se naučila hrát na piano, pak na cello, klarinet, kytaru, bicí... Hudbu začala skládat ve třinácti. Když jí bylo 12, rodiče ji poslali...

Píseň: Between Sheets

Imogen Heap
You and me between sheets
It just doesn't get better than this
The many windswept yellow Stickies of my mind
Or the molten, emotional front line
I couldn't care less I'm transfixed in this absolute bliss


Sweet sleepless tumbling night
Hmmm, and the morning on your skin, a loved up light
Tracing patterns in the maze of your back
Softly, softly the goose bumps like that

And then a kiss...

Maybe another,

And another one