Amy Jade Winehouse, anglická zpěvačka a textařka, se narodila 14. září 1983 v Londýně, kde také 23. července 2011 zemřela. Rodiče Mitchell a Janis (rozená Seaton) jsou židovského původu. Mitchell pracoval ve firmě zabývající se instalací okenních...

Píseň: Brother

Amy Winehouse
There's so much,
that I could never say to your face
Bye, bye now 
You should know the world
and all its ways so find your place

How do I find words that do not condescend
When she bore you before me 
'Cause she doesn't need a child,
she needs a friend 
A son not a sob story

(Now you must have never heard of what she did for you)
 And your priority, it must be heard 
(Now you must have never heard of what she did for you) 
'Cause we'll never be the way we were

She can't always be there just to hold you down 
Our mother 
When you are at a age now well life turns around
My brother
Realize that you don't have to answer to no man Responsibility comes down to you 
But how can I expect you to understand? 
When you live life like its so run through

(Now you must have never heard of what she did for you) 
Your priority, it must be heard 
(Now you must have never heard of what she did for you) 
'Cause we'll never be the way we were
(Now you must have never heard of what she did for you) 
And your priority, it must be heard 
(Now you must have never heard of what she did for you) 
'Cause we'll never be the way we were
The way we were, we'll never be 
And your priority, it must be heard