Devin Garrett Townsend (též znám jako Hevy Devy nebo Devy) je kanadský hudebník a producent žijící v Britské Kolumbii. Jeho hlavními nástroji jsou kytara a vokály. Jeho hudba spadá do mnoha žánrů, nejobecněji se popisuje jako tzv. progressive...

Píseň: Canada

Devin Townsend
The road,
It's home,
At least for now, the rivers low

Wake me, please wake me,
It's cold and warm on the prairie freeway

All the time I needed your approval to be me
All that time spent waiting for the jury duty...
More than ever I needed Mora
More than Mora means...
Be whatever you must be to get by

It's oil, It's wheat, It's soil, It's meat
It's beef!

The road, it's home, the mountain high, river low...
Wake me, please wake me,
When it's my turn to drive
Only the lonely (and maybe John Denver) know the Canadian freeway.