Americká zpěvačka a kytaristka, původem z Texasu (nar. 1958), hvězda oblasti C&W a country rocku. Začínala jako dítě v pol. 60. let se svojí sestrou La Costou. V r. 1969 se Tanya Tucker objevuje v programu zpěvačky Judy Lynn. Rychlý vzestup...

Píseň: Daddy And Home

Tanya Tucker
Strong Enough To Bend
I am dreaming, tonight, of an old southern town,
And the best friend that I ever had.
For I've grown so weary of roaming around,
And I'm going home to my Dad.

Your hair has turned to silver, 
And I know you're failing too.
Daddy, dear, oh, Daddy,
I'm coming back to you.
You made my childhood happy,
But still I longed to roam.
I've had my way, but now I'll say,
I long for you and for home.

Dear Daddy, you shared all my sorrows and joys;
You tried hard to bring me up right.
I know you'll still be one of the boys.
I'm starting back home tonight.

Your hair has turned to silver, 
And I know you're failing too.
Daddy, dear, oh, Daddy,
I'm coming back to you.
You made my childhood happy,
But still I longed to roam.
I've had my way, but now I'll say,
I long for you and for home.

I've had my way, but now I'll say,
I long for you and for home.