Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, uměleckým jménem George Michael, byl britský zpěvák, skladatel a producent s kyperskými kořeny. V letech 1981 až 1986 působil společně s Andrewem Ridgeleym v popové skupině Wham!, později se proslavil coby sólový...

Píseň: Desafinado

George Michael
Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best Of George Michael
If you say my singing is off key, my love
You would hurt my feelings, don't you see, my love ?
I wish I had an ear like yours,
A voice that would behave
All I have is feeling
And the voice God gave

You insist my music goes against the rules
Yes, but rules were never made for lovesick fools
I wrote this song for you
But you don't care
It's a crooked song, ah,
But my heart is there

The thing that you would see if you would play the part
Is even if I'm out of tune I have a gentle heart
I took your picture with my trusty Rolliflex
And now all I have developed is complex

Possibly in vain, I hope you weaken, oh my love
And forget those rigid rules that undermine my dream of
A life of love and music with someone who'll understand

That even though I may be out of tune when I attempt to say
How much I love you
And all that matters is the message that I bring,
Which is: my dear one, I love you