Italský diskotékový zpěvák narozený v r. 1962 v americkém Bostonu, vl. jm. Manuel Stefano Zandri. První hity má v r. 1986 (Bad Boy a Charleston). Po několika dalších v období 1986 - 88 se odmlčuje.

Píseň: Don´t Break My Heart

Den Harrow
Day By Day
You took me by surprise
just like a rainbow in the night.
When I looked in your eyes

I could see diamonds shining bright.
I never realized you'd be the one to make it right.
You got me hypnotized
before my life was black and white.
You and me make a team
I want you near me every day.
Last night I had a dream: You went away.

Don't break my heart
don't let me down

Don't break my heart
don't make me frown.

We're getting serious
life by your side can be so nice.
You're so mysterious
yesterday you were cold as ice.
I wonder how you feel
if all your feelings are the same

When are your smiles for real? Or is it a game?

Don't break my beart
don't let me down

Don't break my heart
don't make me frown.
Don't break my heart
don't let me down

Don't break my heart
don't make me frown.

Don't break my heart
don't let me down

Don't break my heart
don't make me frown.
Profilový obrázek - Day By Day
Day By Day (1987)

1. Don´t Break My Heart

2. Catch The Fox

3. Tell My Why