Slavný americký zpěvák a kytarista oblasti rocku, rockabilly a country. Narozen r. 1936 v Texasu, hudebně ovlivněn Donem Gibsonem. V 1. pol. 50. let působil v countryové sk. Wink Westerners. V r. 1955 zpívá už R&R; ve sk. Teen Kings (1 singl)....

Píseň: Dream

Roy Orbison
In Dreams
Dream, when you're feeling blue
 Dream, that's the thing to do
 Just watch the smoke rings rise in the air
 You'll find your share of memories there 

 So dream, when the day is through
 Dream, and they might come true
 Things never are as bad as they seem
 So dream, dream dream 

 Dream, when the day is through
 Dream, and they might come true
 Things never are as bad as they seem
 So dream, dream dream