John Anthony Frusciante (vyslovuje se "froo-shon-tay") se narodil 5.března 1970 v newyorské čtvrti Queens. Jeho otec John a matka Gail byli aktivními muzikanty (hlas jeho matky je možné slyšet v hitu Under The Bridge). Má dva bratry...

Píseň: Far Away

John Frusciante
The Will To Death
I can’t disguise the things I do
And things i say have a way of hurting you
I’m over there
These dreams are all i have left
I’ve nothing to spare
They're all i have
I can’t pretend to be who i’m not
And there are things you need from me
I haven’t got
No way but to end
Pick up the pieces of our lives
And maybe love again
There’s only one way for things to be
Between you and me