Herbert Arthur Wiglev Clamor Grönemeyer je německý zpěvák, hudebník a herec, velice oblíbený v Německu, Rakousku a Švýcarsku. Jeho páté album, 4630 Bochum z roku 1984, bylo největším německým hudebním bestsellerem všech dob. V roce 2002 dosáhl...

Píseň: Felix´ Song (Hidden Tack!)

Herbert Grönemeyer
I want you
To understand
To killing us soft
To let it out

Stay with you
I wanna come back
But I don't fit
If I didn't hurt you again

I need help
I can see you falling apart
You are broken
And dead from the start
I wanna help you
We all wanna help

Do you know
What to do
To many people holding you
Are you hard
You shouldn't know
Everything, maybe lies
Could helped you in

Breaking down
Who do I belong now
I need someone to tell me

I need to know
I can see you falling apart
You are broken
And dead from the start
I wanna help you
We all wanna help

I can see you falling apart
You are broken
And dead from the start
I wanna help you
We all wanna help
I can see you falling apart
You are broken
And dead from the start
I wanna help you
We all wanna help