Všechno, co na albu „Flutterby“ Butterfly Boucher slyšíte, je pouze ona sama. Už ve svých deseti letech hrála téměř na každý hudební nástroj, který měla k dispozici a skládala hudbu, zatímco její vrstevníci si venku hráli. Butterfly se...

Píseň: For the Love of Love

Butterfly Boucher
Scary Fragile
Oh, I do
I try to
For the love of love
And for the love of loving's sake
Take all the ones you fear
And all the ones you hate
Cook a hearty stew
Brush a smile and fill their plates
Why is it so simple
Why is it so hard to say?

Oh, I do
I try to
For the love of love
And don't delay for goodness sake
Take all the ones you trust
And all the ones you hold so dear
Pass around the wine
Drink it up
Shed a tear
Why is it so simple?
Why is it so hard to say?

Then sing it on

Oh, I do
I try to
Oh, I do
I love you

Oh, I do
I try to

Oh, I've got to push, push myself
Oh, I must be brave
To save the world

Oh, I do
I love you