Melanie Jayne Chisholm je anglická zpěvačka, skladatelka a podnikatelka, světově známá z působení v dívčí skupině Spice Girls, kde měla přezdívku Sporty Spice. Během své sólové hudební kariéry používá přezdívku Melanie C. Dosud vyprodukovala...


Melanie C
The Sea
I’m fading out like a melody
 Twisting around to fit in to your mould
 Faith is a healer but as time passes by I fall deeper
 As I watch you keep on digging this hole
 Standing the ground you paved for me
 Figuring out how to spring from your hold
 Being mean don’t make me keener
 Am I fooling myself I don’t need ya?
 Watch this space, I’m getting ready to go

 Wanna get out of here
 Away from you
 If it means dragging myself off my knees that’s’ what I must do
 Wanna get out of here
 That’s how I feel
 Oh but the time that it takes me to leave when I’ve dug in my heels

 I’m looking out for a remedy
 If I make mistakes can they be my own?
 All my life I’ve been a dreamer
 Now it’s time to become a believer
 If I have to I will do this alone

 Wanna get out of here
 Away from you
 If it means dragging myself off my knees that’s’ what I must do
 Wanna get out of here
 That’s how I feel
 Oh but the time that it takes me to leave when I’ve dug in my heels

 Oh you gotta believe what I’m saying
 I’ve gotta get out of here
 I’ve gotta get out of here

 Gotta get out of here
 Away from you
 If it means starting all over again that’s what I must do
 Gotta get out of here
 Away from you
 If it means dragging my, dragging my, dragging myself, dragging myself

 Gotta get out of here
 Away from you
 If it means starting all over again that’s what I must do
 Gotta get out of here
 That’s how I feel
 Oh but the time that it takes me to leave when I’ve dug in my heels