Britský zpěvák a kytarista (plus keyb, perc) někdy zařazovaný mezi Bruce Springsteena a Marka Knopflera (nar. 1951). Znatelně ovlivněn i blues. V r. 1973 nastoupil do skupiny Magdalene (od r. 1975 název Beautiful Losers).
První singl natočil...
Píseň: Guitar Street
There's a crazy sense of duty As he licks between his fingers Wipes the ketchup from his face and hands There's a strong determination That his teachers never witnessed Never close enough to understand He's like a bull just bred for fighting He don't deliver nothing Outside the only thing that he knows School report just says he's lazy His brother says he's crazy But take a look 'cos there he goes Through the avenues of fashion To the palaces of dreams All the way down Guitar Street To some guitars are hot-rods All along the quest for macho To others a would-be ticket out of town For Joe a six-string sten gun In the 'Panto-revolution' And Stevie's all just strictly sound He's like a bull just bred for fighting He don't deliver nothing Outside the only thing that he knows School report just says he's lazy His brother says he's crazy But anyway take a look 'cos there he goes Through the avenues of fashion To the palaces of dreams All the way down Guitar Street