Amy Jade Winehouse, anglická zpěvačka a textařka, se narodila 14. září 1983 v Londýně, kde také 23. července 2011 zemřela. Rodiče Mitchell a Janis (rozená Seaton) jsou židovského původu. Mitchell pracoval ve firmě zabývající se instalací okenních...

Píseň: Halftime

Amy Winehouse
Lioness: Hidden treasures
Simple, sweet guitar
Humbled by the bass
So when the beat kicks in
Everything falls into place
And it overpowers me
I can’t help but dance
You can try to stop me now
But you won’t get the chance

Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change
Seek it from a different view
Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change

Rhythm floods my heart
The melody it feeds my soul
The tune tears me apart
And I swallow it whole
You should thank your lucky star
Cause the music is a gift
And it’s stronger than all else
Provides me with the bliss

Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change
Seek it from a different view
Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change

My lyrics revealing
Some natural vibe
It's a kind of laid back feeling
Oh just let it ride
And when Frank Sinatra sings
It’s too much to take, yeah
So I sing the standard shit
It pacifies my ache

Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change
Seek it from a different view
Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change