Americká zpěvačka a kytaristka, původem z Texasu (nar. 1958), hvězda oblasti C&W a country rocku. Začínala jako dítě v pol. 60. let se svojí sestrou La Costou. V r. 1969 se Tanya Tucker objevuje v programu zpěvačky Judy Lynn. Rychlý vzestup...

Píseň: He's All I Got

Tanya Tucker
Delta Dawn
Well I said friend don't take him he's all I've got
Please don't take his love away from me
I'm a beggin' to you friend don't take him he's all I've got
He's everything in life I'll ever need

He is life oh when I wanna live he's everything to me in life that life can give
He's my water oh when I need to drink
He's the first thought in my mind each time I try to think
Let me tell you now friend...

He's my fingers when I want to feel he's the only thing in life to me that's really real
He is love he's all the love I know
He could kiss the ground in the wintertime and make a flower grow
Let me tell you now friend...