Slavný americký zpěvák a kytarista oblasti rocku, rockabilly a country. Narozen r. 1936 v Texasu, hudebně ovlivněn Donem Gibsonem. V 1. pol. 50. let působil v countryové sk. Wink Westerners. V r. 1955 zpívá už R&R; ve sk. Teen Kings (1 singl)....

Píseň: How are things in paradise

Roy Orbison
Rare Orbison II
How are things in Paradise since you found a new romance?
Oh, how are things in paradise are you glad that you stood a chance?
Oh, how are things in paradise?
Do you miss me?
Do you ever cry?
Does he try to hold you like I used to do?
Are the stars still in your eyes?
How are things in paradise?

Uh, does he take you hand and whisper I love you?
Oh, don't you know that I love you too?
Is there sunshine or rain?
Are you coming home again?
Oh, how are things in paradise?
How are things in paradise?
How are things in paradise since you said goodbye?