Jennifer Love Hewitt se narodila 21.února 1979, žila v Los Angeles v Kalifornii s její mámou Pat Hewitt, otcem Danny Hewittem a bratrem Toddem Hewittem. Poprvé se objevila před kamerou již v devíti letech, když se dostala do Show Teamu v Texasu....

Píseň: I Always Was Your Girl

Jennifer Love Hewitt
Jennifer Love Hewitt
I know you're down again
You see nothing but rain
You put your friends through hell
That's why we get along so well

You see
I always was your girl
Always will be
You and me against the world

We know the years can give
Romance to the street where we once lived
You wonder why no one called
Between you and me, we scared them off

You see
I always was your girl
Always will be
You and me against the world

Maybe we're wrong and the world is right
But don't tell me that tonight
Self-assured, an amusing guest
That's the way I like you best

You see
I always was your girl
Always will be
You and me against the world