Zpěvák narozený v N.Y.C., vycházející ze soulu a R&B;, ale ovlivněn i Princem (vl. jm. Darby, nar. 1962). Vyrůstal v Chicagu a na Floridě, začínal jako boxer a studoval žurnalistiku. V letech 1980 - 83 působil v americké armádě (ve Frankfurtu n....

Píseň: I Don't Want To Bring Your Gods Down

Terence Trent D’arby
Neither Fish Nor Flesh
People This is not a film 
This is my song 
Now pick up your shovel and dig 
I don't want to bring your Gods down babe 
I don't want to bring your Gods down babe 
Their flesh and blood for you too real 
The wine that flows from their nostrils 
Too red Their master strokes too fundamental
Their saint soaked cathedrals too done 
I don't want to bring your Gods down babe 
I don't want to bring your Gods down babe 
The ferocity of their cat claws too steel
 And we the weak kneed weeds of their 
Weaker breed never paused to feel 
We're not the masters of the land we survey 
But I guess you'd come to that conclusion 
When you're ready in your own time anyway 
I don't want to bring your Gods down babe 
I don't want to bring your Gods down babe 
Because their armour and their crest cuts too deep 
And the cold landcliffs where they rest are far too steep 
But I just wanna say to you that like your God
Your guilt and your beliefs I too wanna be 
With you 'til the very end babe