Známý kytarista a zpěvák pocházející ze skotského Glasgowa (nar. 1949). Začínal v Leedsu v country-bluesovém duu Duolin String Pickers (se Stevem Phillipsem). Od r. 1977 leader sk. Dire Straits. V polovině osmdesátých let vystoupil na vrchol s...

Píseň: I dug up a diamond

Mark Knopfler
All The Roadrunning
I dug up a diamond
rare and fine
i dug up a diamond
in a deep dark mine
if only i could cling to
my beautiful find
i dug up a diamond
in a deep dark mine

my gem is special
Beyond all worth
as strong as any metal
or stone in the earth
sharp as any razor
or blade you can buy
bright as any laser
or any star in the sky

maybe once in a lifetime
you'll hold one in your hand
once in a lifetime
in this land
where the journey ends
in a worthless claim
time and again
in the mining game

i dug up a diamond
rare and fine
i dug up a diamond
in a deep dark mine
down in the darkness
in the dirt and the grime
i dug up a diamond
in a deep dark mine