John Anthony Frusciante (vyslovuje se "froo-shon-tay") se narodil 5.března 1970 v newyorské čtvrti Queens. Jeho otec John a matka Gail byli aktivními muzikanty (hlas jeho matky je možné slyšet v hitu Under The Bridge). Má dva bratry...

Píseň: I Go Trought These Walls

John Frusciante
From The Sounds Inside
All of it's phased, come on with a fast pace
life you're showing of
You've aged yourself and blaimed a murderer, you are
here amongst yourself

See him glide as he'll evade before you
You are mine, end it all
You are mine, end it all

Lose it all: these moments, a place
under where you've feelings
I thought in all, the numbing
polluted all my views

And there's no pain, And it's no pain

I go through revolved, start it all
I go through these walls
I go through and revolve, start it all
I go through these walls