Riley B. King, známější spíše jako B.B. King (16. září 1925, Itta Bena, Mississippi, USA), je americký bluesový kytarista, zpěvák a skladatel. Je považován za jednoho z nejlepších a nejuznávanějších bluesových umělců všech dob. Svým kytarám říká...

Píseň: I Got To Leave This Woman

B.B. King
I got to leave this woman but I ain't got nowhere else to go 
I got to leave this woman, I ain't got nowhere else to go 
You see, she owns everything, including the carpet on the floor 

When I was givin' her my money, she treated me like I was B.B. King 
Hey, when I was givin' her my money, she treated me like I was B.B. King 
Now I ain't got no money left, now she treats me, like I'm not even a human bein' 

I got to leave this woman, I can't take this kind of treatment no more 
Got to leave this woman, I can't take this kind of treatment no more 
I've got one big problem, I ain't got nowhere to go 

Hey, all the pretty furniture she got, I even bought her a mink coat too 
Yeah, all the furniture she got, I even bought her that mink coat too 
Now that we've got a divorce, that's what she put me through 

I got to leave this woman but I ain't got nowhere else to go 
I got to leave this woman, can't take this kind of treatment no more
She owns everything, even the carpet on the floor