John Anthony Frusciante (vyslovuje se "froo-shon-tay") se narodil 5.března 1970 v newyorské čtvrti Queens. Jeho otec John a matka Gail byli aktivními muzikanty (hlas jeho matky je možné slyšet v hitu Under The Bridge). Má dva bratry...

Píseň: In Your Eyes

John Frusciante
Letur-Lefr EP
I was holding on to what just goes and goes
Absence won't change
Memories can be the chains that won't let go of endless motion

Every sign is a window you look through, or see yourself in
Who becomes that reflection but we who lose ourselves in abstraction

And Won't turn round from facing in while our eyes look out
Between dirt and the path that seeds grow
Is the carrier of light to your dome
Take everything everywhere, nothing to nowhere
With passion the director
Two opposed go together
And they come from their center
In your eyes I will make a home
It's the only way to look back and see ahead

Hold in motion
Hold in motion
Hold in motion
Hold in motion
Hold in motion
Hold in motion
You are the sun to m

Hold in motion
Hold in motion
Hold in motion
Hold in motion
You are the sun to m
Profilový obrázek - Letur-Lefr EP
Letur-Lefr EP (2012)