Tony Bennett rodným jménem Anthony Dominick Benedetto, je americký zpěvák a malíř.Za svou kariéru vydal více než padesát studiových alb, převážně pro vydavatelství Columbia Records. Za svou kariéru získal celkem šestnáct cen Grammy a jednu za...

Píseň: It Could Happen to You

Tony Bennett
When Lights Are Low
Hide your heart from sight, lock your dreams at night
It could happen to you
Don't count stars or you might stumble
Someone drops a sigh and down you tumble

Keep an eye on spring, run when church bells ring
It could happen to you
All I did was wonder how your arms would be
And it happened to me

You better keep an eye on spring,
and grab your hat when church bells ring
It could happen to you
All I did was wonder how your arms would be