Americký hudebník (voc, g, bg, dr, keyb, skladatel), jeden z nejvýznamnějších tvůrců rockové hudby, známý i svým osobitým humorem. Progresívní především v 60. letech. Narozen v Baltimore (1940), vl. jm. Francis Vincent Zappa. Od 50. let žil v...

Píseň: Just One More Time

Frank Zappa
Lumpy Gravy
Don Vliet:
Oh yeah!
That's just fine!
Come on boys!
Just one more time!

Spider: I think I can explain about . . . about how the pigs' music works
Monica: Well, this should be interesting
Spider: Remember that they make music with a very dense light, and remember about the smoke standing still and how they . . . they really get uptight when you try to move the smoke, right?
Monica: Right
John: Yeah?
Spider: I think the music in that dense light is probably what makes the smoke stand still. Any sort of motion has this effect on . . . on the ponies' manes. You know, the thing on their neck
John: Hmm . . .
Spider: As soon as the pony's mane starts to get good in the back any sort of mo . . . motion, especially of smoke or gas, begins to make the ends split.
John: That's the basis of all their nationalism. Like if they can't salute the smoke every morning when they get up . . .
Spider: Yeah, it's a vicious circle. You got it.
Profilový obrázek - Lumpy Gravy
Lumpy Gravy (1969)

1. The Way I See It, Barry

2. Duodenum

3. Oh No

4. Bit Of Nostalgia

5. It's From Kansas

6. Bored Out 90 Over

7. Almost Chinese

8. Switching Girls

9. Oh No Again

10. At The Gas Station

11. Another Pickup

12. I Don't Know If I Can (Go Through This Again)

13. Very Distraughtening

14. White Ugliness

15. Amen

16. Just One More Time

17. A Vicious Circle

18. King Kong

19. Drums Are Too Noisy

20. Kangaroos

21. Envelops The Bath Tub

22. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance