Německá zpěvačka v oblasti punk - new wave. Vlastním jménem Catharina Hagen. Pochází z východního Berlína (nar.1955). V 1. pol. 70. let zpívala s polskou skupinou System a východoněmeckými Automobil a Fritzens Dampferband. V r. 1976 emigrovala...

Píseň: Love & Kisses

Nina Hagen
Big Band Explosion
Love and kisses,
Never misses,
Making a heaven for two.
Please pretend de'r,
Sweet surrender,
Coming from someone like you.

You're perfection,
To affection,
Being a perfect design.
Love has found us,
Joy has found us,
Planning a future devine.

No indecision,
I know that my vision is blue,
When you are new.
No need for sunlight,
For you are the one light,
I see so real to me.

Love and kisses,
That's what bliss is,
The thing whatever you do.
For completeness,
Whisper sweetness,
Coming from someone like you.