Americký zpěvák, kytarista a skladatel (narozen ve Skotsku v r. 1952), známý jako leader sk. Talking Heads. Začínal ve sk. Revelation a od r. 1971 v duetu Bizadi. V r. 1973 vede sk. Artistics. V r. 1975 zakládá Talking Heads. Ještě v době její...

Píseň: My Big Nurse

David Byrne
Everything That Happens Will Happen Today
When the lakes gone by
with all the world's desires
When he shakes the stars above
When we lose the ones we love
When the seasons lose their grip
When the tightrope walker slips
I'm counting all the possibilities.

When the past becomes the now
When the lost becomes the found
When we fall in love with war
When the angel fucks the whore
When the road we travel takes us
back where we came from
A million kinds of possibilities
go dancing on this lazy afternoon.

In the comfort of the world and the armies of my big nurse
From the science of the heart to each animal at last
come back, relax, intact, give thanks
I'm counting all the possibilities
for dancing on this lazy afternoon