Islandská zpěvačka, vl. jm. Björk Gundmundsdottir (nar. 1966). První desku natočila jako jedenáctiletá, s pomocí svého tatínka (album vyšlo v roce 1977 pod názvem Björk). Později je členkou skupin Tappi Tikarras, Theyr a Kukl. S posledně...

Píseň: Next To Last Song

Dear Gene,
 of course you are here
 and now there's nothing to fear

 Oooh, I should have known
 Oooh, I was never alone

 This isn't the last song
 there's no violin
 the choir is so quiet
 and no-one takes a spin
 this is the next to last song
 and that's all

 Remember what I have said
 remember, wrap up the bread
 do this, do that, make your bed

 This isn't the last song
 there's no violin
 the choir is quiet
 and no one takes a spin
 it´s the next to last song
 and that's all