Americký zpěvák původem z Chicaga, vl. jm. Samuel Cook (nar. 1931). Jeho záběr sahal od gospelu, blues a soulu až po swing a rock´n´roll. Od 40. let zpíval gospely, nejprve se svými sourozenci ve sk. Singing Children, později ve sk. Highway...

Píseň: No Second Time

Sam Cooke
Ain't That Good News
You done me wrong
 I tried to be kind baby
 'cause you told me you were mine o mine
 But you walked out and left me behind
 So there'll be no second time

 I was a fool to give my love
 Cause you swore you'd love me
 by the stars above
 But you walked out and left me behind
 So there'll be no second time

 Go on laugh and have your fun
 Let the good times keep rollin' on
 There'll come a day
 when you have to pay
 for everything that you have done

 You can cry, you can rave
 Try to show you love me
 in a million ways
 But you walked out and left me behind
 So there'll be no second time

 Go on laugh and have some fun
 Let the good times keep rollin' on
 There'll come a day
 when you have to pay
 for everything that you have done

 Listen to me
 You can cry, you can rave
 Try to show you love me
 in a million ways
 But you walked out and left me behind
 So there'll be no second time

 There certainly will be
 no second time