Malý Sean se narodil ve stejný den jako jeho otec. Po jeho narození si John Lennon dal pauzu a uzavřel se před okolním světem, věnoval se pouze Seanovi a staral se o domácnost. Vynahrazoval tím to, co zameškal při narození prvního syna Juliana v...

Píseň: On Again Off Again

Sean Lennon
Friendly Fire
And just as the sun sets
Just as we will forget these precious moments when another day is through
And just as the moon knows
It cannot always glow through every evening
Some days you will find me sleeping
Cause I’m on again and off again
I never told you I never will
Cause I’m on again and off again
If I can’t hold you somebody will
Love is like the ocean forever in motion forever changing never twice the same
You may miss me one day
You may wish you hadn’t stayed 
You may forget me 
You may never let me go
Cause it’s on again and off again
I never told you I never will
Cause it’s on again and off again
If I can’t hold you somebody will
On again and off again
I never told you I never will
Cause I’m on again and off again
If I can’t hold you somebody will