KDO JSEM Cesta k cíli nebývá tak přímočará, jak si mnozí z nás představují. Každá taková pouť obnáší nejrůznější odbočky, zastávky a slepé uličky. Nejsem výjimkou a na své cestě procházím úseky rovnými, ale i těmi spletitými, o nichž nemají...

Píseň: On My Head (Dan Bárta) klub Melodka, Brno, 4.10.2012

Petr Ševčík
Záznamy z koncertů
Lead my heart
In my own place
Ride up to the stars
Across the heaven
Hello you say
You will drive me lazy

Meeting my heart
Leaving the yard
Waiting for the night's burst
Never say never
We freak, we burst
pasting from our angels

When I am standing on my head
You are crazy smiling
Now we don't have it we are mad
Go round this speedy romancing

When I am standing on my head
You are crazy smiling
Now we don't have it we are mad
Go round this speedy romance

You have the time to take a broke
Get up to find your lost control
Someone lost you trust your soul
Looking for the right size and good measure
I am a tough guy from the sky
My good will drives me crazy

When I am standing on my head
You are crazy smiling
Now we don't have it we are mad
Go roun this speedy romance

When I am standing on my head
You are crazy smiling
Now we don't have it we are mad
Go round this speedy romance

When I am standing on my head
You are crazy smiling
Now we don't have it we are mad
Go round this speedy romance

When I am standing on my head
You are crazy smiling
Now we don't have it we are mad
Go round this speedy romance