Irský rockový a bluesový kytarista a zpěvák, původem z Belfastu (nar. 1952). Počátkem 70. let působí ve sk. Skid Row (2 alba pro CBS). Poté zakládá vlastní Gary Moore Band a vzniká album Grinding Stone (1973). Následně je členem sk. Colosseum II...

Píseň: Picture Of The Moon

Gary Moore
Back To The Blues
Picture of the moon
You gave to me that night.
The stars were out to play,
The moon was shining bright.
If only I had known
That it would end so soon.
I was left with a picture of the moon.

The sound of soft guitars
Beneath the spanish skies.
Across the candle lights
The sadness in your eyes.
If only I had known
That it would end so soon.
I was left with a picture of the moon.

Picture of the moon
You gave to me that night.
The stars were out to play,
The moon was shining bright.
However could I know
That it would end so soon?
I was left with a picture of the moon.
I was left with a picture of the moon.
All that's left is a picture of the moon.