Devin Garrett Townsend (též znám jako Hevy Devy nebo Devy) je kanadský hudebník a producent žijící v Britské Kolumbii. Jeho hlavními nástroji jsou kytara a vokály. Jeho hudba spadá do mnoha žánrů, nejobecněji se popisuje jako tzv. progressive...

Píseň: Planet Rain

Devin Townsend
What have we learned?
From this wee exercise
Where do we go?
Now that it's over
What do we say?
What are we doing here?
Everything's changed
Everything's stayed the same
But it's quiet now, quiet now
Cause it's the end of the world
What if we've changed?
What if we're finished here
Can we be saved?
Does anybody even care?
So many dream
So many make the grade
So many fail
So many fade away
Show you've a soul by crying
Sorry, already
I'm so sorry
So sorry
I know now
So slow down
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry