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Darren je americký herec a zpěvák, známý především z role Harryho Pottera v A Very Potter Musical a ztvárněním Blaina, v druhé řadě amerického seriálu Glee. Pochází ze San Francisca v Kalifornii, jeho matka je z Filipín a otec je částečně Ir....
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Píseň: Ready to Go
- Interpret:
- Darren Criss
- Album:
- A Very StarKid Album
S: Look at me with my pigtails so tight You’d think that I might explode Right? Look at me with my arms in a twist … Alarming I missed the right road/row MC: It’s not too late to turn around And find a better way S: It’s not up to fate to lay the ground Work for a better day MC: You gotta, shake it up Let your hair down darling You really need to unwind S: I gotta, pick it up Cause my life is calling Me on the other line It’s time to start over And today is like the first day of the year So get that chip off my shoulder! That was weighing me down And keeping you right here MC: I want to get out See the great big world out there S: It’s time to send out Both: Cause I feel There’s something in the air I might be losing my mind Bu there’s one thing that I know That I’m finally ready So ready to go S: I’m finally ready I’m ready to… J: Hey Dick does my hair look alright? D: Hell yeah, buddy you’re a sight to see J: OK good, listen up just try to relax Cause a mishap’s the last thing I need I want to rise up to the next level Get off this middle ground I’ve got this yearning Burning like the devil I’m here for the rebound Pass the ball I know I’m on fire! D: Yeah, yeah you’re on a roll J: I know! D: What do you want from your kingdom sire? J: I wanna take control! I need a brand-new gameplan No more warming benches Like I’ve done before D: Just get your head in the game man Here’s what I’m thinking- J: Shit! She’s coming out that door Both: Oh. Oh. J: Say “yes”, Vanessa Yes, I must confess of my obsession With your design I will not rest, no not unless I find a way to make you mine I’m gonna get her If it’s the last thing that I do D: But just remember you can’t get her Both: Without me too! Buckle up all you amateurs Cause today we’re going pro! We’re finally ready Yeah! So ready to go. T: Hey Vaness, OMG, would you guess That I’m not wearing undies today? V: Ew! Oh Tiff, LOL what’s the diff? You would still take them off anyway! T: IKR V: BTW, Both: Where r u right now? T: We need to talk V: Oh, I totes see you Both: BRB, Ciao, ciao OS: When you been around the block As much as I have, you feel just like a CEO You see I’ve done with all these cocks But they’re not lettin’ me retire I tell you, I’m ready to go F: It’s like living the same way that an old pair of shoes do Everyday the one-man show They’ve started stinking and there’s holes And they don’t fit the way they used to I’ve had it, I’m ready to go! OS: We’re just a couple of stiffs F: Well now you’re just being cute OS: We’re for a lifetime of ‘ifs’ F: Don’t be so hard on us OS: And I wonder, with someone else Could life be more Both: Fair? F: We’re the one trick pony We could be more, if only Both: Someone out there Would answer our prayers While’s we’s waits to be delivered Go ahead cry me a river We agree that there’s no ‘quid pro quo’ F: So until that vacation OS: Save your tears for lubrication! Both: Lord have mercy I’m ready to go! Mercy, are we ready to go? T: Listen up, Vanessa sweetie I do this because I care V: I know T: This is war, forget your peace treaty Justice is right over there V: I guess I could use a new guy Cause it’s been a while and I am still so young Why not give it a try? At the very least it could be kinda fun T: Hey now Vanessa that’s the girl I know and love V: I’ve been so boring boy I’m glad, I had a little shove Both: Tick tock, while the iron’s hot Do not take it too slow You gotta be ready So ready to go! Everyone: Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. I’m ready to go! Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. I’m ready to go! Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. I’m ready to go! Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. We’re finally ready And the time is right For us to light the spark We’re keeping it steady With our eyes on the prize To get us through the dark I know there’s so much more To what I think I see! I feel a change and the strange thing is It’s part of me My hormones are freaking out And I think I’m gonna blow J+D: Locked and loaded S+MC: Oh so devoted OS+F: Low and demoted V+T: Totes just toted Everyone: Finally ready So ready to go!