Irský rockový a bluesový kytarista a zpěvák, původem z Belfastu (nar. 1952). Počátkem 70. let působí ve sk. Skid Row (2 alba pro CBS). Poté zakládá vlastní Gary Moore Band a vzniká album Grinding Stone (1973). Následně je členem sk. Colosseum II...

Píseň: Running From The Storm

Gary Moore
After War
The wind is up
And the sky is falling.
The thunder cracks
And the sea is rolling.

Wonder if we'll ever see tomorrow.
Ride with our backs to the wind,
Don't know if I'll make home again.

Running from the storm.
Running from the storm.
Running from the storm.
Running from the storm.

The sky is black
And the wind is howling.
The lightning strikes
And the sea is raging.

Wonder if we'll ever see tomorrow.
Turning our ships to the sun.
This time there was no place to run.

Running from the storm.
Running from the storm.
Running from the storm.
Running from the storm.