Tom Petty

zpěvák, skladatel, hudebník, kytarista

Hodnocení na 61%
20. října 1950
1. října 2017, důvod: zástava srdce
Výrazný rockový písničkář 80. let (zpěvák, kytarista a skladatel), původem z Floridy (nar. 1953). Muzikantské vlivy: Byrds, Beatles, R.E.M., jižanský rock. Na konci 60. let působil ve skupinách Sundowners a Epics. První nahrávky vznikají v r....

Píseň: Shadow people

Tom Petty
Hypnotic eye
Shadow people, will sing their heads
 In the corner next to you
 When the light is red

If you're thinkin' to look
 You may be thinkin' at pain
 I guessed that pretty much
 It can call you away

Shadow people in a shadow land
 Like I'm thinkin' at the great one
 And the other comes worse
 That one is trapped on a gun
 And turned up with a herd

That one is set on the water
 Got some food
 For the war that's comin'
 And the Judgement Day

Shadow people in a shadow land

And this one carries a gun for the USA
 He's a 20'th century man
 And he's scarry as hell
 Cause he isn't afraid
 He will destroy anything
 You don't understand

When I aim at left
 And I aimto the right
 I ain't even sure
 I got a dog in the spine

And I'm in need
 I ain't got time to breathe
 I feel like shadows are falling all over me

Like shadow people in shadow lands
 Shadow people in shadow land
 Shadow people in shadow land

Waiting for the sun to be split over there
 I ain't got any shadow at all