FALCO, vlastním jménem Hans Hölzel se narodil 19. února 1957 ve Vídni (Vienna Margareten) a jako jediný z trojčat přežil porod. Po narození vážil asi 3200 gramů a měřil 54 cm. Od maminky Marie dostal své první piáno ve čtyřech letech a když bylo...

Píseň: Shake

Out Of The Dark (Into The Light)
All the girls around the world, come on
Shake, shake - shake your body, c'mon,
c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Wigle, wigle - ahaha, so want you
Shake, shake - shake your body, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Wigle, wigle - ahaha
Come on, shake it
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake - come on, skake it
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake - come on, shake it
Girls around the world there goes something up in the midday
Turn beat up the clock, do you feel the funk,
do you feel the groove, ha, ha
Do you feel it, do you need it, es gibt
kein zurück, c'mon beat it
Hey D.J., mach' es ihnen klar, this groove is faced out far
say L.A. - Girls,
Tokio - Girls,
[ Find more Lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.org/Tf8 ]
New York - Girls
All the girls around the world, say
Berlin - Girls,
Afircan - Girls,
Turner - Girls
All the girls around the world, come on
Shake, shake ... Party time, Pa-pa-pa-party time (2 times)
Hey pump it up, pump it up, es ist längst zu
spät für eure Gegenwehr
This sound is a new style, killing you while
you do it ganz und gar, let's go
Everybody, everybody, shake, shake, shake your body
D.J., mach' es ihnen klar, it's a brand-new fever
say L.A. - Girls ...
Shake, shake ... Party, party time ...
I wanna shake it, I wanna shake it, I wanna shake
it, wigle, wigle, shake it (4 times)

Party - all the girls around the world (4 times)

Shake, shake ... I wanna shake it, ...