Anglický hudebník (voc, g, bg, keyb), bývalý člen skupiny Pink Floyd (nar. 1944, vl. jm. George Roger Waters). V rámci této kapely měl Roger Waters výrazný podíl m.j. na albech Dark Side Of The Moon a The Wall. V roce 1983 (oficiálně v r. 1985)...

Píseň: Southampton Dock - Live In Rio

Roger Waters
Rock In Rio (Live)
They disembarked in 45
 And no-one spoke and no-one smiled
 There were too many spaces in the line
 Gathered at the cenotaph
 All agreed with the hand on heart
 To sheath the sacrificial knifes

 But now
 She stands upon Southampton dock
 With her handkerchief
 And her summer frock
 Clings to her wet body in the rain
 In quiet desperation knuckles
 White upon the slippery reins
 She bravely waves the boys goodbye again

 And still the dark stain spreads between
 Their shoulder blades
 A mute reminder of the poppy fields and graves
 And when the fight was over
 We spent what they had made
 But in the bottom of our hearts
 We felt the final cut