Americký zpěvák původem z Chicaga, vl. jm. Samuel Cook (nar. 1931). Jeho záběr sahal od gospelu, blues a soulu až po swing a rock´n´roll. Od 40. let zpíval gospely, nejprve se svými sourozenci ve sk. Singing Children, později ve sk. Highway...

Píseň: 'T Ain't Nobody's Bizness If I Do

Sam Cooke
Tribute To The Lady
There ain't nothing I can do
Or nothing I can say
Just what I want to anyway
And I don't care just what people may say
And if I, if I take a notion
The jump-off into the ocean
Ain't nobody's bizness if I do
And if I go to church on sunday
Then cabaret all day monday
It ain't nobody's bizness if I do

If my baby ain't got no money
And I say take all of mine honey
Ain't nobody's bizness if I do
If I give my baby my last nickle, O
And it leaves me, leaves me in a pickle
It ain't nobody's bizness if I do
I'd rather from my baby to hit me 
Then to jump off and quit me
Ain't nobody's bizness if I do
Nobody's bizness if I do