Devin Garrett Townsend (též znám jako Hevy Devy nebo Devy) je kanadský hudebník a producent žijící v Britské Kolumbii. Jeho hlavními nástroji jsou kytara a vokály. Jeho hudba spadá do mnoha žánrů, nejobecněji se popisuje jako tzv. progressive...

Píseň: The Babysong

Devin Townsend
Why don't you have a baby?
Why don't you have a child?
Babies are good.
And part of humanity's charm.
Why don't you have a baby?
Babies are you.
And the fatherhood rights all your wrongs

Goodbye baby, Daddy's going away.
Goodbye Daddy... Baby's here to stay

A little baby!
Why don't you have a baby?
Why don't you have a child?
Babies are good.
...and the fatherhood rights all your wrongs
