Tom Petty

zpěvák, skladatel, hudebník, kytarista

20. října 1950
1. října 2017, důvod: zástava srdce
Výrazný rockový písničkář 80. let (zpěvák, kytarista a skladatel), původem z Floridy (nar. 1953). Muzikantské vlivy: Byrds, Beatles, R.E.M., jižanský rock. Na konci 60. let působil ve skupinách Sundowners a Epics. První nahrávky vznikají v r....

Píseň: The best of everything

Tom Petty
Southern accents
She probably works in a restaurant
 That's what her momma did
 But I don't know if she ever really
 Could put up with it

 Or maybe she sings in a nightclub
 'Cause sometimes she used to sing
 But I don't know if it ever
 Amounted to anything

 But listen honey, wherever you are tonight
 I wish you the best of everything, in the world
 And honey, I hope you found
 Whatever you were looking for

 Yeah and it's over before you know it
 It all goes by so fast
 Yeah, the bad nights last forever

 And the good nights don't ever seem to last

 And man, we never had the real thing
 But sometimes we used to kiss
 Back when we didn't understand
 What we were caught up in

 So listen honey, wherever you are tonight
 I wish you the best of everything, in the world
 And honey, I hope you found
 Whatever you were looking for

 Yeah baby, wherever you are tonight
 I wish you the best of everything, in the world
 And honey, I hope you found
 Whatever you were looking for