Tony Bennett rodným jménem Anthony Dominick Benedetto, je americký zpěvák a malíř.Za svou kariéru vydal více než padesát studiových alb, převážně pro vydavatelství Columbia Records. Za svou kariéru získal celkem šestnáct cen Grammy a jednu za...

Píseň: The Best Thing Is to Be a Person

Tony Bennett
Who Can I Turn To
There was a man
Looked up to Heaven
And he said, “Lord, what good am I?
I feel so unimportant that it makes me want to cry.
What should I do, Lord? Please answer me.”

The Lord said, “Sure son, I’ll tell you what to be:
The best thing to be is a person.
Just a person who loves is fellow man.
The best thing to be is a person.
Just a person who does the best he can.”