Leonard Norman Cohen byl kanadský hudebník, básník, romanopisec a kreslíř židovského původu. Již během univerzitních studií vydal v roce 1956 svoji první sbírku básní. Vedle poezie mu během šedesátých let 20. století vyšly také dva romány. První...

Píseň: The Butcher

Leonard Cohen
Songs From A Room
I came upon a butcher,
He was slaughtering a lamb,
I accused him there
With his tortured lamb.
He said, "Listen to me, child,
I am what I am and you,
You are my only son."

Well, I found a silver needle,
I put it into my arm.
It did some good,
Did some harm.
But the nights were cold
And it almost kept me warm,
How come the night is long?

I saw some flowers growing up
Where that lamb fell down;
Was I supposed to praise my Lord,
Make some kind of joyful sound?
He said, "Listen, listen to me now,
I go round and round
And you, you are my only child."

Do not leave me now,
Do not leave me now,
I'm broken down
From a recent fall.
Blood upon my body
And ice upon my soul,
Lead on, my son,
It is your world.