Americký zpěvák a multiinstrumentalista oblasti R&B; a soulu, původem ze státu Georgia (nar. 1941). Začíná vystupovat na konci 50. let, kdy vznkají i první nahrávky (pod vlivem Little Richarda). Od r. 1959 zpívá se sk. Johnny Jenkins & The...

Píseň: The Hucklebuck

Otis Redding
The Dock Of The Bay
Here we come again…
 We’re doing a new dance—real strong dance
 Everybody—sisters, papas, mamas, papa’s boys
 A stone dance—you know what they’re doing
 It’s called the Huckle-Buck—real strong dance
 Come on and take my hand
 Come on and Huckle-Buck with…now watch me
 We’re going to new places now…
 Atlanta, Georgia—here we come
 Royal Peacock, y’all
 Miami, Florida—going to the Island Club
 Step over in Memphis
 Going to the Hippo Drome
 Everybody’s swinging
 The Mar-keys going down under
 Going to the…California
 Going to the Five-Four Ballroom
 Step over in Detroit city
 Going to the Twenty-Grand Club
 Move over to Washington, D.C.
 We’re going to the Holland Theater
 Huckle-Buck, y’all
 Everybody Huckle Bucking
 If you don’t know, you’re sure out of luck
 I tell you what we do…
 We’re going to Chicago
 We’re going to the Windy City, they call it
 Going to do the Huckle-Buck now
 Everybody’s Bucking now
 Mamas, brothers, sisters, fathers—they Huckle Bucking all night
 We got a thing going
 You jump back, you jump forward, you jump back-back-back-back
 Let me show you how to do it
 Jump back, jump up, jump back, jump up-up-up-up